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The most important things

Educational courses unite young locals with young Swiss craftsmen. They repair the defective infrastructure of public schools and produce missing furniture. The number of participants, their personal skills and the grade of emergency determine the choice of the school to be newly equipped. The participants are working for three weeks from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are paying the flight ticket themselves. The cost of food and accommodation at a host family amounts to CHF 250 for the entire duration of the course. There are many technical problems at the schools. The first task of the course participants is to identify these defects. Creative solutions can be worked out together. Mwinyi, our Zanzibari course leader, is pleased to be of service at any time. Kila kitu fresh is mainly responsible for the repair and construction of school desks. As there is no organised maintenance in Zanzibar, the number of defective school desks is increasing continuously. The participants therefore spend a large part of the course repairing them. The advantage of these repairs is that many desks can be built with comparatively little effort and cost. In addition, we developed a new school desk type. Due to clever wooden joints, this school desk is easy to repair and at the same time it is ideal for an educational course.



On the first day, the participants visit their assigned school. First of all, they take stock of the situation. The participants are summing up all the missing and defective parts of the infrastructure. This is the fundament which is used to plan the following three weeks. The detailed inventory is also part of our existing database showing the conditions in Zanzibar‘s schools.



After the first viewing, the participants are free to decide where they would most like to use their skills to sustainably upgrade the school. They create a schedule showing what can be achieved during the course. Based on this, costs and quantity of material can be calculated. Intense communication with the school management is important and wanted during this planning process. The participants get a detailed sight on the local school system by this process.



The necessary repairs at the public schools are very individual. It is the task of the participants to identify problems and find suitable solutions. It is the decision of the participants themselves what they want to repair. This is very important. There is always enough to do. Three weeks are rarely enough to completely renovate a school. Our course leader supports the participants at any time, and there is always space for creative solutions.

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The Technical School provides tools and machines. This is the place where all necessary spare parts and new school desks are produced. Depending on the needs, the participants can 6divide into production and repair teams. The participants learn how to use all the tools and machines and they deepen their

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School Desk

The lack of seating is the biggest problem in Zanzibar’s schools. For this reason, kila kitu fresh has developed a new school desk type. The design allows easy repair if damaged and nevertheless guarantees an interesting and educational manufacturing. Clever screw and wooden joints have been designed which ensure stability and durability. Since the classrooms usually do not need to be completely refurnished, the design is visually oriented towards the existing concept. When working with the machines and tools, a precise handling can be learned. These skills are of big importance for local course participants, as such tools are also used by local craftsmen. To ensure durability, the desk is made of local mahogany wood. As this is a regional material, transport distances can be shortened and the local economy is supported.



Besides the wood for the new school desks, a lot of material is needed for various repairs. All material and missing tools for the repair of roofs, doors or existing school desks are purchased from regional specialised traders. Replacement and missing parts can thus be easily procured at any time. We have been able to establish close contact with local shops, which means that tools and materials are purchased at fair conditions.


Leisure time

Zanzibar offers a wide range of leisure activities. Discover the interesting capital Stone Town or visit the beach by bike. The nature invites you to beautiful walks and jogging. At the weekends, you can participate in day trips or explore the island by yourself. We definitely recommend staying a few extra days to get to know the island even better.


„There is only one thing in the long run more expensive than education: no education.“
- John F. Kennedy

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